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Monday, 20 July 2015

AngularJS Developer

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is a JavaScript web application framework which is easily integrated with the web page created with Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). Applications created using AngularJS JavaScript resides inside <script> ... </script> tags in the HTML page and various expressions are used for binding the data between the application and HTML code.

JavaScript - Faster performance and simple to implement!

One of the primary highlights of AngularJS is that its framework library is completely built using JavaScript programming language. As we all know, JavaScript applications are faster and are known for their simplicity in terms of learning and implementation. Hence, AngularJS inherits these benefits & features.

Why AngularJS?
Why AngularJS?

Easy to implement!

With the help of few attributes, AngularJS can extend an HTML page to a user-friendly application. It easily supports execution of various functions in a single web page. Implementing AngularJS functions in HTML page is simpler than any other techniques to integrate applications in HTML.

SPAs (Single Page Applications)

Single Page Applications

With its simple and efficient framework, AngularJS would be the best and a perfect platform to create SPAs (Single Page Applications). In SPAs, the entire functionality of the application is implemented in a single web page. Thereby SPAs are as reliable as desktop applications like no other web apps. These single page application needs to load and reload at any required point of the time fluidly without any hustle. Angular JavaScript enables the developer to create such flawless Single Page applications with its efficient interface.

Sponsored by Google!
Sponsored by Google!

Tech giant and trustworthy internet friend Google have sponsored this application framework as an open source resource. It also offers periodic updates on the library and resource files.

Supports Bootstrap Framework!

AngularJS framework supports web applications that can be built on Bootstrap web pages. Bootstrap web pages are the most advanced and popular framework to develop innovative, mobile responsive and high-quality web pages. Bootstrap supports JavaScript, CSS and HTML codes. AngularJS scripts can integrate effectively with Bootstrap and can be easily included in web pages built using Bootstrap framework!

AngularJS supports premium web templates!

In addition to the compatibility on Bootstrapping, AngularJS also supports various premium web templates used for building web pages.

2-way data binding!
Web applications built using AngularJS inherits 2-way data binding property in their framework. In 2-way data binding, the changes made at both front and back-end of the web application is immediately communicated and reflects the changes at both ends.

Model-View-Controller (MVC)
By incorporating international web application coding standard, AngularJS ensures the portability and reliability of the code. Defining the code in MVC pattern lets the developer understand the code easily and it would be very useful while extending the features of that application in the future.

Customized HTML tags from Directives!

One of the interesting and excellent features in AngularJS is that it allows the developers to create customized HTML tags with the help of directives. Directives are perfect for creating custom widgets, web page decorating elements and manipulating DOM (Data Object Model).

Becoming an AngularJS Developer!

Becoming an AngularJS Developer

Single Page Applications (SPAs) are the future! The user-friendly and reliable interface makes the SPAs demanding and vibrant. AngularJS is definitely the best platform to build SPAS. Extended support and various other advantages of using AngularJS make it the leader among the JavaScript frameworks. If you're planning to become a JavaScript developer specialized to develop single page applications then becoming AngularJS developer would be the wise decision. Almost every leading IT training companies in the United States are offering AngularJS Training with complete placement assistance. Many staffing companies are desperate to fulfill the demand on AngularJS developers in their client companies. They are ready to provide free training on AngularJS to candidates to place them in their client companies.

About the Author


Author & Editor

I write about science and technology and interesting cultures around the world. I'm a career analyst too and Information technology is my favorite field of interest. I explore different professions in the Information Technology sector. I provide career counselling to young aspiring students. I motivate people. I love make life easy and happy.

I hate hypotheticals who suggests the opposite of what I want. I prefer to make my own decisions. I don't believe in superstition rather I obey facts and logics.

In my experience, life is too short and there must not be any space for miseries. Nothing is above life. Have to live a peaceful happy life without interrupting the peace and happiness of others.



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